July 9, 2013 (Tue Jul 09 2013 19:22:27) Hulkolas: snapchat account was created Email: hulkolas@gmail.com Phone # 313-268-6517
December 5, 2017 UM Probation for felony involving drugs 12-04-2017 Remington-Robbery - Residence-1790303767 12-06-2017 Remington-Dangerous Drugs-1790303789 June 14, 2018: The Michigan State Police Crime lab determined that the substance was not a controlled substance. The item tested positive as MDMA when field tested. This report will be closed due to this finding
March 17, 2019 20:30:12 PM chat~story_reply_v2~2019-03-18-00-30-12UTC " Who has controllers and consoles and expensive vehicles. I can trade u bunch of drugs for? I wanna own u"
March 17 2019 21:55:27 PM hulkolas~margarita828 Gotchu wya-Wat-U need-How much money-U tryna toke w me and Connor-How much money-In Ur Venmo-All of it-Bulker the better the deal-More-40-I gotchu-deal-Nicholas-Remington-1
March 18, 2019 00:02:06 AM Global live story-shared_story~2019-03-18-04-02-06UTC
March 18, 2019 3:49:15 AM Global live story-video
"Yee budy fuckin runit. Late night ADVENTURES" shared_story~2019-03-18-07-49-15UTC
March 18, 2019 4:10:58 AM Global live story-video "St. Patric's Hangover Straight pissing and robo tripping" shared_story~2019-03-18-08-10-58UTC
March 18, 2019 4:28:46 AM Global live story-video "St. Patric's Hangover Straight pissing and robo tripping" shared_story~2019-03-18-08-28-46UTC
March 18, 2019 TIME 16:33:35 PM 2019-03-18 20:33:35UTC-hulkolas-bethash95 "U tryna toke today?Me and Connor going to Detroit for his class if u gon be near. I wanna talk preferably in person about heroin and wat it was like and everything"
March 18 2019 17:57:52 PM Global live story-Video Remington selfie
March 18, 2019 18:04:53 PM Global live story-video "STAY WAKE Back in the tiny speedo diving days #4Realsrunit" shared story~2019-03-18-22-04-53UTC
March 18, 2019 18:29:20 PM Global live story-video-(Remington Detroit mercy) 'HULKOLS GAME THRU DRIPPING" shared_story~2019-03-18-22-29-20UTC
March 18 2019 19:34:27 PM Global live story "Bet none of u can get this to pop up 100$ if u do" shared_story~2019-03-18-23-34-27UTC
March 18 2019 19:37:46 PM Selfie Remington Detroit mercy library snap~2019-03-18-23-37-46UTC
March 18, 2019 22:30:18 PM Mar 19 02:30:18 UTC 2019 Remington gives Paul's home address to pick up drugs ghostxninja-hulkolas: How much for a half oz and lä€TMm in Belleville
March 18 2019 23:07 PM Denis Google Search Methylphenidate
March 18 2019 23:39:04 PM DENIS 1-SNAPCHAT CLIP POSTED
"He fucking know how ta srunit. Going straight cross-eyed up in this bitch"
GAME OVER TIME TO SLEEP arunkangaroo-mharrington1234-singhisking13
March 18 2019 23:44 PM DENIS 2-SNAPCHAT CLIP POSTED "I just want him to stop being cross-eyed. I spoke to Jesus. He said he wanted my guardian angels" WAVE CHECK emassyy28: What is he on 3-18-2019 23:46:12 PM hulkolas: Methylone some moll 3-19-2019 12:11:31AM
March 18, 2019 23:46 PM DENIS 3-SNAPCHAT CLIP POSTED "You can't handle the truth. The old whistle trick will get him boyz"WE STAND WITH NEW ZEALAND. WE CONDEMN HATE. tavis_cool: what is he on 3-18-2019 23:57:14 PM hulkolas: Methylone some moll 3-19-2019 12:11:31 AM
March 18, 2019 23:52 PM DENIS 4-SNAPCHAT CLIP POSTED (Paul on it)
"U got an exam at 8am-Thats what the coffees for" NIGHT OWL
darren2442: OY , OY , be take OY , OY 3-19-2019 6:13:19 AM
hulkolas: Methylone some moll 3-19-2019 11:03:30 AM
March 18, 2019 23:57 PM DENIS 5-SNAPCHAT CLIP POSTED "He ripped himself a new vagina. Judgment day" v.k9: Whats 3-19-2019 00:33:23 AM hulkolas: Methylone some moll 3-20-2019 20:20:39 PM
March 19, 2019 1:23 AM DENIS 6-SNAPCHAT CLIP POSTED "This man wins the Oscar for best drama." INSOMNIA
ryanw827: What the guck is he on 3-19 2019 7:40:32 AM
"Not an orderin art individual. Wait for it. lower himself on face." CAN'T SLEEP
marrrrioo: What was we on lil 3-19-2019 9:10:48 AM
hulkolas: Methylone some moll 3-19-2019 11:02:55 AM
March 19, 2019 1:50 AM DENIS 8-SNAPCHAT CLIP POSTED 'We been taking turns cuz I say it hydrates him"Who else is up RN? andrei_farcas: bro wtf was he on 3-19 2019 22:11:19 PM hulkolas: Methylone some moll 3-19 2019 22:42:23 PM
March 19 2019 1:50 AM DENIS 9-SNAPCHAT CLIP
"It's Watering Time! "
kev.willy: Was he trippin on something?? 3-19 2019 02:01:47 AM
cade.ahlijian: What drug is thisüòÇ 3-19-2019 15:31:02 PM