THE COURT: Nicholas Remington, 19-002619. This matter has been brought back today for a probable cause conference and--
MR. KEAST: Thank you, Judge. Mark Keast on behalf of the People.
THE COURT: Thank you, Mr. Keast. I appreciate that. Mr. Lewis and Mr. Rockind, good afternoon.
MR. ROCKIND: Your Honor, good afternoon. Neil Rockind P48618. I represent Nicholas Remington, your Honor. My co-counsel, Mr. Lewis, is here as well.
THE COURT: Thank you.
MR. LEWIS: Good afternoon, your Honor. For the record my name is Randall Lewis and I'm co-counsel for Mr. Remington.
THE COURT: Alright. Thank you, gentlemen. Mr. Remington, can I get your full name please.
THE DEFENDANT: Nicholas Remington.
THE COURT: Thank you. Alright, so first off the Court appreciates the opportunity that the Court had to discuss this matter with all the attorneys in chambers regarding scheduling. My understanding is we're looking at setting an examination date.
MR. ROCKIND: Yes, your Honor.
MR. KEAST: That's correct, Judge.
THE COURT: Maybe looking into next year, I realize there is some information that needs to be gathered. Some discussions that will continue and that ' ll take some time, so we're looking--I don't know if anyone has a suggestion of a potential date, but--
MR. KEAST: Really, the month of January I'm scheduled to be in trial in front of Judge Anderson. Any time in February I'm open.
MR. ROCKIND: Judge, we're thinking maybe the first full week in February. That'd be between the seventh and the eleventh.
THE COURT: How does the 10th in the afternoon look?
MR. KEAST: That'd be great, Judge.
THE COURT: Alright. Let's do February 10th conditions so I'm going to leave everything as it is at 1:30 in the afternoon. Are there any other matters that either side needs addressed at this point.
MR. KEAST: Not today, Judge. Thank you.
THE COURT: I don't think there is any issue, to my understanding, with bond and bond conditions so I'm going to leave everything as it is.
MR. ROCKIND: For now. Thank you, Judge.
MR. LEWIS: Thank you.
THE COURT: You're welcome. I appreciate that. So, we'll see everybody on the 10th, as of right now, the 10th of February at 1:30 in the afternoon, in person exam.
MR. ROCKIND: Thank you.
MR. LEWIS: Thank you, Judge.
THE COURT: Thank you everybody. Have a good day.
MR. KEAST: Thank you, your Honor.
MR. LEWIS: You too. Nice to see the Court.
THE COURT: Same here. Same here, thank you.
(November 17, 2021 2:44 p.m proceedings concluded)